Endangered species

"Endangered species" is a classification of species facing a high probability of extinction in the near future. According to the rankings on the World Conservation Union's Red List and Resources, the ranking of "endangered species" ranks second in terms of the worst "conservation status" and follows the ranking of critically endangered species.

In 2012, the World Conservation Union and its resources classified 2,655 species of plants and 3,079 species of animals around the world as endangered species, while in 1998, the species in this group had 1,102 species of animals and 1,197 species of plants. Many countries have introduced laws to protect species in need of conservation, banning fishing, restricting land investment and establishing nature reserves.

Save status for the type:

Species conservation status is an indicator that calculates the likelihood of a particular species being endangered. Several factors are taken into account when calculating the conservation status of the species, such as existing species numbers, total species increase or decrease rates over time, reproduction rates, and existential threats. The World Conservation Union's Red List and resources are the world's best evaluative list of threatened species.

It is estimated that more than 50% of endangered species are threatened.

World Conservation Union Red List and Resources:

Although it is called the list, the red list is an evaluative system that determines the status of the preservation of the species. The rankings in the list are:

1) Extinct species

Extinct species of wildlife that are found far from their basic natural distribution, i.e. in abnormal populations.

2) Endangered species

Critically threatened species are potentially very highly endangered (maximum risk of extinction).

Jaguar rhinoceros - Barbarians - Sumatran forest - Sumatran forest - south China - Sumatran elephant - Borneo forest man - Sumatran rhinoceros - Sumatran barbarian - Sumatran porpoise - Sea pig, Gulf of California - Western Plains gorilla - Tiger Amur - Black Rhino - Borneo forest man - River gorilla - eastern plains gorilla - Hawks beak

Endangered species are highly likely to be extinct (medium extinction risk).

Sri Lankan elephant - Phil Borneo - Hearing - Siberian barbarian - Bengal barbarian - son of a black-footed lender - blue whale - blue fin - bonobo - common chimpanzee - slovet whale - Galapagos penguin - Ganges dolphin - green sea turtle dolphin - dolphin river dam - Irrawaddy - Mountain Gorilla - Right North Atlantic Whale - Red Panda - Sea Lion Galapagos - Sai Whale - Sabre - Whales (Hercol- Palin- Grey Whale) - Whale Shark.
Potential extinction species (lower risk of extinction) are:

Endangered species

Carthaginian elephant - spider monkey - big-eye tuna - giant panda - great white shark - Indian rhinoceros - leatherback turtle - huge-headed sea turtle - eguana little Antilles - Olive Ridley - Polar Bear - African Bush Elephant - Sea Turtle - Snow Tiger - Penguin Bouncy Rocks - Toatos

3) non-threatened species
Near-threat species are species that do not fit any of the above classifications, but are likely to reach one of these categories in the near future (close to extinction).

White tuna - white whale - great rational Tahoe - yagor - mountain chirping - sea hicillon - Besson plains - white rhinoceros - yellowfin tuna.

Non-threatened species that are scattered and found in nature (the risk of extinction is very low and not threatened, its symbol: g).

Tree kangaroos, fast foxes, jumpy tuna, yellow blue macoa, polar fox, Arctic wolf, arched-head jute, brown bear, common-nosed dolphin, gray whale.

The status of the species within these two groups is good, but maybe in decline.

Species for which there is insufficient information and no information about their distribution in nature or threats, i.e. incomplete data, and need more information and research before determining their status.

Amazon dolphins, dolphins, blue whales, elephants, gorillas, royal butterfly, salmon, squamous anteaters, poison-arrow frogs, carcinosis, seals, sharks, lazy, tuna.


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